Completed projects

"Terminal" — refrigerated warehouse with a built-in administrative complex with a capacity of 12 000 tons on the territory of 35 700 sq.m. Built-up area is 11 200 sq.m. Land area within the boundaries of the territory is about 36 000 sq. m. The object was put into operation in late 2007. The warehouse is intended to keeping meat products of company FreshFood.


«Elsy» — industrial building for the production of check-point equipment and the creation of automated systems for urban and rail transport systems and electronic payments. The industrial building is designed with the administrative block at the site area of 10 000 sq. m. Customer of the object — CJSC «Electronnye Sistemy». In January 2008 the object was put into operation.


«Port —Holod»  — the refrigerated warehouse with administrative spaces with a capacity of 3000 tons  on the land plot of  20 000 sq.m. Built-up area is 4 000 sq. m.


«Xenon» — the complex of warehouses and distribution center of North-West region for the  «Sport-Master» shop chain, on the territory of 60 000 sq m. Built-up area 12 400 sq. m. The facility is located at: Leningrad region, the Lomonosov district, Gorskaya parish, the village of Little Carlino, on 9 th kilometer of road Krasnoe Selo — Pushkin.

The object was put into operation in summer time of 2008.


«Rulog» —distribution-storage  complex for «McDonald’s» restaurant chain with comfortable administrative complex and serving space and all the necessary life-support systems and infrastructure, which is located at: Leningrad region, the Lomonosovsky district, Villozskoe villages. Capacity range of 2 950 tons on  the territory of  21 000 sq.m. Built-up area 6 400 sq. m;


The object was put into operation at autumn 2008.


LLC “Petro-Frigo”- Deep-freezing food warehouse for 5500 tons with administrative complex. There are four storage rooms with temperature -24 ºС.Designed and built up under the Dutch consulting firm, specialized in refrigerates and deep-freezing storages building.  The cost of building is  4 474 000$. The object  started up in 2003. The address:Leningrad region, Lomonosovsky district, Gorelovo,  Volkhonskoe highway ,11


LLC “Coffee Investment Company”  — Coffee plant with built-in administrative complex, total area is 1127 sq.m on the territory of 3360 sq.m


Instroi «Instroi» — a combined warehouse for storing food with a office quarters with a capacity of 10000 tons to the land plot 21 000 sq.m. Built-up area 9 500 sq. m.



LLC "Mercury"  LLC Mercury is a deep-freezing warehouse for food items keeping. The lowest temperature is  - 24 ºС, capacity - 3000 tonn, square - 0,5 ha.  Warehouse is built for keeping products of meat factory  Fabrika Kachestva  Samara.